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How PR professionals use Vetted

Add and manage
multiple clients

Easily add and manage
client profiles.

Get contacted
by journalists

Field journalist requests
on behalf of your client.

Accept or deny
media interviews

Maintain control over
inbound interview requests.

Pay a placement
fee if you're quoted

Simple, results-based pricing.
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What Journalists Say About Vetted

“I like how Vetted put me in direct contact with the source. It made for a quick connection.”
- Justin R., verified journalist at Benzinga

What makes Vetted different

No Risk Process

After your expert is verified, you only pay if we get your client into the news.

Journalists come to you

We introduce a new inbound channel that brings journalists directly to you.

We come from a PR background

We built Vetted to make the PR pro's job easier so they can focus on the value only they can deliever.

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directly to your clients.